

Important things to consider before buying textbook:

Search the LRC Cataloque to see if a copy of your textbook is available for borrowing. Textbooks can be borrowed for two weeks, subject to availability.

Check your syllabus - Sometimes you really don't need the whole book, may be just a chapter or a portion of the book.

Consider purchasing textbooks online, for example; Amazon, Kinokuniya, Magrudys etc.

Consider online textbooks or e-textbooks - For students who own iPads, Kindles or other tablet devices, e-textbooks may be purchased and/or rented at a lower price than printed copies.

Students are entitled to borrow seven items at a time for the duration of two weeks. Borrowed item(s) are renewable depending on demand. All users must present their University ID upon borrowing

Quick Links

Books Kinokuniya Dubai


Al Falah Bookshop

University Bookshop

Amazon UK

Arabic Resources


McGraw-Hill Education

Pearson Education


Oxford University Press


South-Western College Publishing

Cambridge University Press


*NOTE: The links provided are for student reference only. CUD Learning Resource Centre is not responsible for the content of the sites, nor can assist students with customer service issues encountered while using these sites.